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Eudaimonic Centre for Positive Change & Wellbeing
Striking the right balance
Eudaimonic Centre for Positive Change & Well Being comprises of a team of professional psychologists and educationists with expertise in organizational behavior and well being management. Eudaimonic centre, with its insignia symbolizing a ‘smile’is a happy space created on the tenets of Positive Psychology and Health Psychology.
“What’s in a name?” you may ask – A lot really. We intended that the name of our centre be novel, arouse curiosity and interest, symbolize the essence of Well Being and above all, have a venerated history yet appeal to the current generation. According to Aristotle, who gave us the concept of Eudaimonia (derived from the root word ‘daimon’ which means ‘true nature’), true happiness is found by leading a virtuous life and engaging in meaningful and worthy acts. Eudaimonic happiness that comes from realizing one’s potential and having a deep sense of purpose and meaning in life, much beyond material boundaries, endures over a long time and ultimately leads to Well Being. Hedonic happiness, in contrast comes from instant self-gratification, and an endless quest for pleasure, brings only temporary joy, not happiness, thus does not contribute to wellbeing. Happiness as we know is the only thing that human beings desire for their own sake, unlike riches, honour, or fame.
Get in touch with us when your pursuit of happiness needs to be Eudaimonic rather than Hedonic.
Training Workshops/Projects

Focus Areas
- Psychometric Assessments & Individual Strength Profiling
- Career Guidance & Skill Mapping
- Competency Building through Life Skills Training
- Self Development through the Strength-Based Model
- Confidence & Resilience building
- Student Counselling Services
Our Clientele